12 Jul 2024
The forerunner in Nuclear Medicine
During a recent interview with The Hong Kong Economic Journal Monthly, Clement Tam, the CEO of ZERO Biotech, discussed the strategic significance of developing radiopharmaceuticals in Hong Kong for the country. Clement’s interest in radiopharmaceuticals dates back to 2015, well before the recent surge in the nuclear medicine market. "The potential of radiopharmaceuticals in cancer treatment fascinated me," explained Clement, who initially joined as an investor. With the Board of Directors comprising frontline medical doctors, local pharmaceutical company executives, a radiopharmacist, and a chemist, coupled with Hong Kong's unique advantages, he saw a promising opportunity to engage in this field. Clement's substantial management experience led to his eventual election as the company's CEO.
The unique Theranostic principle of radiopharmaceuticals
Clement further introduced the 3 basic elements of radiopharmaceuticals, comprising radioactive isotopes as payload, tracers/targeting molecules to trace target cells, and linkers to link the 2 elements together. He then introduced the important Theranostic concept in Nuclear Medicine, implying Therapy + Diagnosis. It is this unique nature of nuclear medicine resulting in high precision, high efficacy and low side effects in cancer treatment.
Smart business positioning
Clement emphasized that in contrast to traditional cash-burning biotech companies, ZERO Biotech adopted a smart positioning to begin from the mid-down stream manufacturing in the supply chain. ZERO Biotech started with importing proven drug molecules to manufacture drug products to generate revenue. Then the company gradually moved upstream R&D by partnering with research institutes. One of the products in the pipeline treating Neuroendocrine Tumor (NET), partnering with The University of Hong Kong Faculty of Medicine, has entered Phase II clinical trials.
Strategic role of Hong Kong in radiopharmaceuticals development
Currently, about 90% of medical radioisotopes used in China are imported from overseas, leading to concerns about supply chain stability and security. ZERO Biotech is addressing the medical isotopes supply bottleneck by repurposing the Linear Accelerator (LINAC), a well-established technology in medical applications. LINAC emerges as a feasible substitute for current medical isotope production methods using research reactors, which require significant capital investment and are known to pose increased risks of hazards and long-term pollution.
Furthermore, the conventional approach involves the development of new radiopharmaceuticals in the West with Caucasian test subjects, before introducing proven medications to Asian populations. Since its establishment in 2015 in Hong Kong, ZERO Biotech has aimed to lead as a key player in nuclear medicine in Asia, striving to alter this paradigm. Hong Kong offers several advantages for spearheading this advancement in nuclear medicine. As a member of the Pharmaceutical Inspection Co-operation Scheme (PIC/S), drugs manufactured in Hong Kong can be exported and distributed to other developed nations. With increasing tensions between the US and China prompting the return of esteemed Chinese scientists from the US, Hong Kong stands as an ideal hub to attract these researchers for the continuation of their high-caliber research endeavors.
Full article in The Hong Kong Economic Journal Monthly (in Chinese)